SAFESEAS workshop at University of Stellenbosch

This week the SAFESEAS team were joined by our international research assistants and partners for a workshop hosted by the Security Institute for Governance and Leadership in Africa (SIGLA) at the University of Stellenbosch’s Institute for Advanced Study. The primary objective of the workshop was to discuss the initial results of the research conducted over … Read more

A new agenda for maritime security studies

SafeSeas Principal Investigator Prof. Christian Bueger and Co-PI Prof. Tim Edmunds have published an article in International Affairs. The new article – entitled Beyond Seablindness: A New Agenda for Maritime Security Studies – argues that developments in the maritime arena have flown beneath the radar of much mainstream international relations and security studies scholarship, and that a … Read more

How can we capture capacity building? New Concept Note published

Capacity building is a broad concept with no clear definition. It is also a buzzword of International Politics. At SafeSeas we are interested in the practice of capacity as a diverse activity that goes beyond immediate maritime security concerns and is part of the broader picture of maritime governance. But, how can these practices be … Read more

Maritime Security in Kenya

This working paper provides a primer to the SAFE SEAS case study of the maritime security sector in Kenya drawing on elements of the SPIP methodology. It examines the maritime spaces of Kenya, the problems, and challenges facing these spaces as well as the existing legal, policy and institutional frameworks for tackling these problems. Read … Read more

New Concept Note on Kenya and maritime security published

Kenya’s waters provide significant domestic and international economic opportunities. These prospects are, however, undermined by a wide range of maritime security challenges. The nature of these security concerns, in particular the impact of Somali piracy, has resulted in maritime security becoming an emergent priority for the Kenyan government. As a primer to the SAFE SEAS case … Read more

Capturing Capacity Building

Capacity building is a buzzword of international politics. It is a concept through which very diverse activities geared at assisting countries are described. The Sustainable Development Goals rely substantially on the idea that least developed countries require improved capacities to address poverty and other issues. As Venner notes, “capacity building has thus become something that … Read more

SafeSeas attends FishCrime Symposium

The FishCrime Symposium is an annual event for the community of practitioners addressing fishery crimes and Illegal, Unregulated and Underreported (IUU) fishing. The third installment of the event is held at the headquarters of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime in Vienna from 25th to 26th of September. SafeSeas principal investigator Prof. Christian Bueger is … Read more

New publication addresses how counter-piracy governance can be theorized

In an article published with the European Journal of International Relations, Prof Christian Bueger, investigates how the cooperation in counter-piracy off the coast of Somalia can be theorized. Investigating the making of the Best Management Practices and the controversy around the High Risk Area – two of the core devices of counter-piracy – he argues … Read more

Book by Robert McCabe on piracy published

SAFE SEAS Research Associate Dr Robert McCabe’s new book – Modern Maritime Piracy: Genesis, Evolution and Responses – has been published with Routledge this week. The book explores the genesis and evolution of modern maritime piracy in the western Indian Ocean and southeast Asia including responses by regional and international governments in both policy and practice. It offers … Read more

What is the future agenda of maritime security studies?

In a new article published with International Affairs, Christian Bueger and Tim Edmunds set out to contextualize the rise of maritime security and discuss what follows for the agenda of maritime security studies, but also the discipline more broadly. One of the areas that the article highlights is the importance of capacity building. The article … Read more