Using crime script analysis to better understand piracy manifestations

By Bryan C. Peters Despite the undeniable social relevance of piracy, criminologist have lagged behind other fields in its study. In 2009, Forsyth, Gisclair and Forsyth aptly noted that, “most criminologists are landlocked…as if crime on the water did not exist”. Although interest is slowly growing within the field, the potential utility of criminological theories … Read more

Webinar on Mauritius oil spill

What are the lessons from the Mauritius oil spill? Could it have been prevented? What are the consequences for the environment? SafeSeas director Christian Bueger speaks at a webinar on the event on 18.08.20. See details below.

SafeSeas researchers comment on Beirut explosion

In the afternoon of August 4th, a major explosion in the port of Beirut killed over 100 people and left thousands wounded. Given the importance of the port for Lebanon’s economy, the consequences will be felt for years. SafeSeas researcher Christian Bueger and Scott Edwards have written a series of commentaries as well as gave … Read more

Pragmatic spaces and the maritime security agenda

The oceans are increasingly understood as a security space. Does the new maritime security agenda lead to new spatial configurations? This chapter introduces the concept of ‘pragmatic spaces’ to explore spatial configurations produced in responses to maritime security. Four exemplary spaces are discussed: how counter-piracy led to the development of high risk areas, how maritime … Read more

Welcoming to the SafeSeas family is a platform that has published commentaries on contemporary maritime piracy and maritime security from 2010 to 2017. In these years over 80 blog posts were published from authors around the world. These widely read commentaries addressed recent developments on piracy and the global response to it, as well as questions of maritime security … Read more

Blue Crime: Conceptualising Transnational Organised Crime at Sea.

Transnational organised crime at sea is a growing international concern. However, and despite its importance, the concept remains uncertain and contested. Debate continues over the term itself, what illicit activities it incorporates and excludes, and how these can be meaningfully conceptualised in ways that that both recognise the diverse nature of the concept yet also … Read more

AMARIS project holds kick-off event

On 25 June 2020, the ‘Addressing Maritime Insecurity in Ghana (AMARIS)’ project held its ‘Kick-Off Event’. AMARIS is a two and a half year initiative funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, administered by the DANIDA Fellowship Centre and based at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen. AMARIS started in March … Read more

Event on Gulf of Guinea situation

What is the current state of maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea? What are the consequences of Covid? These were two central questions of an event organised by CEMLAWS, partner of the SafeSeas network and core contributor to the new AMARIS project. Christian Bueger participated in the event on Monday the 8th as one … Read more

Blue ideaslab on crimes and order at sea

As part of the ongoing discussion on the blue turn and divergent research perspectives on ocean governance, international relations and maritime security, SafeSeas organised another iteration of the blue ideaslab on the 28th of May. The blue ideaslab provides an open format to discuss research and project ideas as well as work in progress linked … Read more